While it may feel safe to just stay home with a newborn it’s not realistic. Yes, it can get a little nerve-racking taking your baby outside for the first time but it doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are six ways going out with the baby can be enjoyable.
1. Only pack what you really needAsk yourself do you really need everything? If you’re only going for a short errand do you really need to bring 10 diapers? For example, if you’re going to the grocery store you only need a few items to make baby comfortable for an hour or two.
Here are the basics you need for an outing:
- A change of clothes (two if you will be gone more than two hours)
- Spare diapers (one for each hour while you’re out and about)
- Travel sized pack of wipes
- Pacifier or other favorite comfort item
- Nursing cover when feeding your baby
- Baby changing mat
- Drool bibs. No need to look for burp cloths!
- Bottle and baby bottle thermal bag if baby is bottle-fed
The benefits of planning ahead are obvious. Should something come up unexpectedly and you need to leave the house with the baby right away you’re covered. Grab your emergency bag, place your baby in the car set and off you go.
Make sure you check the contents of your emergency bag every three months because as your baby grows some of the sizes of the items will change like diapers and baby clothing.
3. Consider Nap TimesNewborns need consistency in their schedule. Avoid going out and about if it interferes with your baby’s nap time. It’s no fun travelling with a crying baby - not for you, not for your baby.
4. Feed Baby FirstMake your life easy by getting some duties out of the way before leaving the house; like feeding your baby and changing their diaper. If your newborn gets hungry fast it may not be convenient for you to feed them right away. Heck, you could be in traffic or in a long line up, next thing you know baby is crying or screaming - how fun is that?
5. Avoid CrowdsCrowded, noisy places can be too much stimulation for your baby. When baby is around too many people you also put them at risk for catching an infection or virus. While all the “oohs” and “ahhs” are certainly complimentary this can be exhausting after a while.
6. Welcome Help from Friends or FamilyExtra hands are certainly going to make your life easier especially when you pay for purchases or if you just need to make a quick trip to a store. At the very least you’re getting a bit of a break. Breathe :)
Being a new mom doesn’t have to be stressful. Do your best to keep your outings short and close to home, and in that way you can have the rest you need. To ensure you enjoy your time with your newborn take only what you need, work around your baby’s nap & feeding times, start small say an hour, then next time go for two hours, then more, and pretty soon you’ll be a pro at taking baby out and about.

Photo credit: Bigstock