How to Navigate the First Few Months With Baby

How to Navigate the First Few Months With Baby

Motherhood can be overwhelming, especially for new moms. Keeping up with your schedule, career, and relationships can feel impossible once your new baby arrives. Worst of all, most advice for new moms is confusing and anxiety inducing.

There are so many different parenting styles that it can be hard to decide which advice to listen to and which tidbits you should ignore.

As you learn to adjust to life with a new baby, here are some of the best pieces of advice that are applicable to all new moms regardless of parenting style. 


From nighttime feeds to navigating baby’s many cries, there’s a lot to learn in the first few months with your newborn. Remember to trust your maternal instincts, ask for help from your partner as much as you need and arm yourself with products that can make things easier for you, like Bubzi Co.’s Baby Sleep Soothing Owl.


Do Not Force a Schedule

It’s a common misconception among new moms that if you want your baby to follow a set routine, you need to start doing so immediately. This simply isn’t true!

During the first few weeks and months of a newborn’s life, it’s best to let him or her establish their own routine based on his or her unique needs. It’s normal for your newborn’s sleep schedule or feeding schedule to vary each day. Look for cues from your baby to understand his or her needs and what will make the baby comfortable.

Feed your baby when he or she wakes, but don’t forcibly wake him or her to feed.


From nighttime feeds to navigating baby’s many cries, there’s a lot to learn in the first few months with your newborn. Remember to trust your maternal instincts, ask for help from your partner as much as you need and arm yourself with products that can make things easier for you, like Bubzi Co.’s Baby Sleep Soothing Owl.


Let Your Baby Sleep

Despite what others may say, it’s a good idea to let your baby sleep as much as he or she can. This may prevent the baby from establishing a routine, but it does allow the baby to become as healthy and strong as possible.

Once your baby is four months old, you should slowly start easing the baby into a sleep schedule.

Related: 6 Trusted Techniques New Moms Can Try To Get Baby To Sleep


From nighttime feeds to navigating baby’s many cries, there’s a lot to learn in the first few months with your newborn. Remember to trust your maternal instincts, ask for help from your partner as much as you need and arm yourself with products that can make things easier for you, like Bubzi Co.’s Baby Sleep Soothing Owl.


Let Your Partner Care for Baby

Few things in nature are as strong as maternal instincts. As such, it can be hard to hand your baby over to his or her father. Even if you feel like you are the only one who understands your baby’s needs, it is important to let your partner help out and bond with the baby.

Letting others take care of the baby is crucial for resting and recuperating. New moms tend to forget to take time out for themselves, which is so important when adjusting to life as a new mom!


From nighttime feeds to navigating baby’s many cries, there’s a lot to learn in the first few months with your newborn. Remember to trust your maternal instincts, ask for help from your partner as much as you need and arm yourself with products that can make things easier for you, like Bubzi Co.’s Baby Sleep Soothing Owl.


Trust Your Gut

As a new mom, you can expect to be bombarded with advice from other parents. You will likely find that a lot of these suggestions will contradict each other. Trying to keep up with every piece of advice will only add stress.

It’s natural for new mothers to feel insecure and experience doubt, but it’s important to remember all that truly matters is whether or not your newborn is comfortable.

Avoid the constant barrage of advice that will come your way, and only accept feedback from your baby’s doctor. As long as your baby’s pediatrician is happy with his or her progress, you shouldn’t worry about others’ opinions.

As a mother, you understand your baby’s needs better than anyone else. Your maternal instincts will always ensure you do what is best for your baby. It is natural and to be expected for new mothers to experience stress and chaos.

Remember to look after yourself, have supportive adults around you, and get professional help when it's needed. 


From nighttime feeds to navigating baby’s many cries, there’s a lot to learn in the first few months with your newborn. Remember to trust your maternal instincts, ask for help from your partner as much as you need and arm yourself with products that can make things easier for you, like Bubzi Co.’s Baby Sleep Soothing Owl.


It’s no secret that life as a new mom can be overwhelming. From nighttime feeds to navigating baby’s many cries, there’s a lot to learn in the first few months with your newborn. Remember to trust your maternal instincts, ask for help from your partner as much as you need and arm yourself with products that can make things easier for you, like Bubzi Co.’s Baby Sleep Soothing Owl. This soothing owl can help baby get to sleep (and give you some ZZZ’s too)! Rest assured, though, things do get better. You’ll eventually settle into a routine and you’ll find yourself easily settling into your new role as mom. And hey, before you know it, you’ll be the one doling out words of advice and new mom tips to all your friends with newborns!



From nighttime feeds to navigating baby’s many cries, there’s a lot to learn in the first few months with your newborn. Remember to trust your maternal instincts, ask for help from your partner as much as you need and arm yourself with products that can make things easier for you, like Bubzi Co.’s Baby Sleep Soothing Owl.


Photo credit: Bigstock, Pixabay